Chronological Installations
Table 1. Initial Date of Operation of Computing Systems in the USA (1950-1958)
Source: OECD, 1968
Year System Manufacturer Total Average
Installations Cost per
in the US System $
1950 SEAC US Dept of Commerce 1
WHIRLWIND II Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1
1951 SWAC US Dept of Commerce 1 400,000
UNIVAC I Remington Rand (Univac) -
EDVAC University of Pennsylvania 1 467,000
1952 MANIAC I University of California 1 250,000
ORDVAC University of Illinois 1 600,000
ILLIAC University of Illinois 4 300,000
RAYDAC Raytheon 1
ELECOM 100 Underwood Corp. 3 60,000
1953 LOGISTICS Remington Rand (Univac) 1 354,000
OARAC General Electric 1 185,000
IBM 701 IBM +18 230,000
MAGNEFILE D Electronics Corp. of America 1 50,000
UNIVAC 1100, Remington Rand (Univac) +13 895,000
& 1103A
UDEC I,II,III Burroughs 2 500,000
NATIONAL 102A National Cash Register 16 70,000
1954 MAGNEFILE B Electronics Corp. of America 1 20,000
JOHNNIAC The Rand Corporation 1
DYSEAC US Dept of Commerce 1
ALWAC II Alwac Computer Division, Hawthorne 2 50,000
CIRCLE Hogan Laboratories Inc. 2 80,000
MODAC 5014 Airborne Instruments Laboratory 1 85,000
MODAC 404 Airborne Instruments Laboratory 1 100,000
BENDIX D12 Bendix n.a. 55,000
BURROUGHS 204, Burroughs 112 200,000
& 205
IBM 650 RAMAC IBM 1500 182,000
LGP 30 General Precision 462 49,500
(Librascope Division) 1
WISC Univ. of Wisconsin 1
1955 IBM 702 IBM +13 358,000
MONROBOT III Monroe Calculating Machine Co. 1
NORC IBM 1 2,500,000
MANIAC II University of California 1 85,000
MONROBOT V Monroe Calculating Machine Co. 1 86,074
UNIVAC 1101 Remington Rand (Univac) 1 500,000
BIZMAC I Radio Corporation of America 3 4,500,000
ALWAC IIIE Alwac Computer Division, Hawthorne 3 76,950
BURROUGHS E101 Burroughs 127 29,750
IBM 705, I, II IBM n.a. 1,640,000
MODAC 410 Airborne Instruments Lab. 1 120,000
PENNSTAC Pennsylvania State Univ. 1 100,000
UNIVAC 60 Remington Rand (Univac) n.a. 75,000
UNIVAC 120 Remington Rand (Univac) +4 97,500
UNIVAC 1102 Remington Rand (Univac) 3 1,400,000
1956 READIX J. B. Rea Co. Inc. 6 70,000
AF/CRC Sperry Rand (Univac) 1 800,000
IBM 704 IBM 70 1,994,000
MODAC 414 Airborne Instruments Laboratory 1 150,000
BENDIX G-15 Bendix 300 49,500
BIZMAC II Radio Corporation of America 3
ELECOM 50 Underwood Corp. 3 22,500
ELECOM 120 Underwood Corp. 5 97,000
ELECOM 125, Underwood Corp. 6 155,000
& 125 FP
IBM 608 IBM n.a.
LEPRECHAUN Bell Telephone Labs. 1
MONROBOT MU Monroe Calculating Machine Co. n.a.
NAREC U.S Navy 1 1,500,000
PHILCO 1000 Philco 1
RECOMP ICP 266 North American Aviation Corp. 1
TELEREGISTER The Teleregister Corp. 1 300,000
1957 GEORGE Argonne National Laboratory 1 500,000
UNIVAC FILE 0 Sperry Rand (Univac) 164 300,000
DATAMATIC 1000 Honeywell 7
AN/FSQ 7, 8 IBM 50
IBM 709 IBM +30 2,630,000
LINCOLN TXO Lincoln Laboratory MIT 1
MANIAC III University of California 1 350,000
PHILCO 2000 Philco +6
1958 UNIVAC 2 Sperry Rand +7 970,000
AN/MJQ 1 North American Aviation Corp. n.a. 80,000
IBM 610 IBM n.a. 55,000
LINCOLN TX2 Lincoln Laboratory MIT 1
WRU SEARCHING Western Reserve University 1
(at December 1962).
A.W.A. - Bendix G-15
Burroughs - E101
General Electric - G.E.225
I.B.M. - 650 and 1401
International Computers and Tabulators - I.C.T. 1500.
National Cash Register Co. - NE405 and NCR390,
Remington Rand - UNIVAC SS80
E.D.P. Pty. Ltd. - Bendix G-15.
Ferranti Ltd. - SIRIUS
Heymanson & Co. Ltd. (agents for Control Data Corporation computers) - C.D.C. 160A.
I.B.M. - 1620 and 1401
International Computers and Tabulators Ltd. - I.C.T. 1202.
National Cash Register Co. - NCR390 and NCR315
Remington Rand - UNIVAC SS80
National Cash Register Co. - NCR390 to be installed January, 1963.
Sydney University - SILLIAC (installed 1956);
I.B.M.1620 in Chemical Engineering Department.
University of N.S.W., Sydney - UTECOM (installed 1956);
I.B.M.1620 in School of Applied Science.
Melbourne University - CSIRAC (installed 1955).
Monash University, Melbourne - Ferranti SIRIUS
Queensland University, Brisbane - GE225
Adelaide University - I.B.M. 1620.
Building prototype of medium capacity computer called CIRRUS.
University of Western Australia, Perth - I.B.M. 1620
A.N.U., Canberra - I.B.M. 1620
New South Wales.
A.M.P. - I.B.M. 650 and 1410
Atlantic Union Oil - I.B.M. 1401 ordered
Australian Gas Light - I.B.M. 650
B.H.P., Newcastle - I.B.M. 1620 and I.B.M. 1401
C.S.R. - I.C.T. 1301
Drug Houses (Aust.) - I.B.M. 1401
Lysaght's, Port Kembla - I.B.M. 1401 ordered
MacPhersons - I.B.M. 305
Merchants Pty. Ltd. - I.B.M. 305
Moulded Products - I.C.T. 1500 ordered
M.L.C. - I.B.M. 650
Nielson Ltd. - I.B.M. 650 and I.B.M. 1620
Parke-Davis - I.B.M. 305
Paul's Milk and Ice Cream - I.C.T. 1301
Phillips Electrical Industries - I.B.M. 1401
Qantas - I.B.M 1401
Rothmans - I.C T. 1301
Sterling Pharmaceuticals - I.B.M. 1440 ordered
Tube Mills, Mascot - Leo III ordered
Wills - I.C.T. 1301
Woolworths - I.B.M. 305
A.N.A. - NCR390 ordered
Balm Paints - I.B.M. 1401 ordered
Dowds - I.B.M. 1401
Ford's, Geelong - I.B.M. 1401
General Motors Holden, Dandenong - I.B.M. 305
I.C.I. - Ferranti SIRIUS ordered
National Mutual Life - I.B.M. 1410
Nettlefolds - I.B.M. 1401
Sigma Drug Company - I.B.M. 1401
State Electricity Commission - I.B.M. 1620
State Savings Bank - I.B.M. 1401 ordered
T.A.A. - NCR390 ordered
Vacuum Oil - I.B.M. 1401
Drug Houses (Aust.) - I.B.M. 1440 ordered
Q'ld. United Foods - I.C.T. 1301
Woolworths - I.B.M. 305
Cadbury-Fry-Pascall - I.C.T. 1301
Department of Main Roads, Perth - Bendix G-15
Electricity Trust of S.A. - I.B.M. 1401
M.W.S. & D.B., Sydney - I.B.M. 1401
Northern Rivers County Council, N.S.W. - NCR390
State Savings Bank, Melbourne - I.B.M. 1401
A.R.L., Melbourne - Burroughs E101
Atomic Energy Commission, Sydney - I.B.M. 1620
Bureau of Census and Statistics, Canberra - I.C.T. 1201
Commonwealth Actuary, Canberra - Burroughs E103
C.S.I.R.O., Melbourne - CSIRAC
Department of Defence, Canberra - Honeywell 800
Department of Interior Survey Branch, Canberra - I.B.M. 1620
Snowy Mountains, Cooma - SNOCOM and NE405
W.R.E. Salisbury - WREDAC and I.B.M. 7090
Source: unidentified publication for Australian civil servants.
(Comment accompanying the table: This table has been maintained progressively
to December, 1962, from information appearing in various periodicals and made
available by equipment suppliers and user organizations - however, it does not
purport to be completely accurate.)