Last updated: 13 July 2024: David Green
This web page describes the Pilot ACE computer, which first ran on 10th May 1950.
Anyone revisiting this page will find it much altered. It started life as a way for me to document a Pilot ACE emulator I was writing. Since then I have spoken to a number of people and peered into several archives and accumulated a good deal of information.
The page is now reborn as a resource for the Pilot ACE. Assembled here is all the software and information I have been able to find. The emulator has been relegated to one section.
So far as possible, my Windows based emulator is an historically correct representation of the Pilot ACE, a 'virtual' Pilot ACE computer. The original Pilot ACE is in a glass case in the Science Museum in Kensington, London (see above). Don't touch. But you can still program and play with a replica of the Pilot ACE on your PC, using the emulator.
This document contains the following sections (or aims to - working on it):
1. Introduction.
2. Contents.
3. Some History.
3.1 The Evolution of the Pilot ACE.
3.1 10 May 1950.
3.2 November 29th - December 1st 1950.
3.3 1951-1956.
3.4 Thereafter.
4. The Pilot ACE Structure.
4.1 The Computer Console.
4.2 The Multiplier.
4.2.1 Detailed Operation of the Multiplier.
4.2.2 Multiplication Subroutines.
4.2.3 Unorthodox Uses of the Multiplier.
4.2.4 Circuit Diagrams.
4.3 The Drum.
5. The Pilot ACE Instruction Code.
5.1 Some Notes about Interpreting the Pilot ACE Documentation.
5.2 The Final Code.
6. Pilot ACE Emulators.
6.1 Donald Davies' "Pilot ACE Simulaton Program", 1999.
6.2 A Java version of Donald Davies' Simulator, 2001.
6.3 A Windows-based Emulator, 2006-2019.
7. Programs.
7.1 Program Input.
7.1.1 Initial Card.
7.1.2 Aligning the Scope.
7.1.3 Card Headers.
7.2 Demonstration Programs
7.2.1 The 'Successive Digits' program.
7.2.2 The 'Day of the Week' program.
7.2.3 The 'Smallest Factor' Version 1.
7.2.4 The 'Smallest Factor' Version 2.
7.2.5 The 'Smallest Factor' Version 3.
7.2.6 The 'Bouncing Ball' program.
7.2.7 DEUCE Program ZV02 - Easter Day.
7.2.8 e to 306 decimal digits.
7.3 Aircraft design.
7.3.1 John Denison's Drag Program.
7.3.2 Mike Woodger Programs?
7.4 Matrix Algebra.
7.5 Other Production Programs.
7.5.1 John Denison's Shafts Program.
7.5.2 Program P56.
7.6 Music.
7.7 Games.
7.7.1 Nim.
7.7.2 Draughts.
7.8 Donald Davies' other programs,
7.8.1 Squares and cubes of 1 to 1625.
7.8.2 Fourth powers, cubes and squares of
numbers up to 255.
7.8.3 Smallest factor using double speed
7.8.4 All Factors saved in DL 10.
7.8.5 Cubes saved in DL 10.
7.8.6 Table of sin(x) in DL9.
7.8.7 Table of cos(x) on Drum.
7.8.8 The Sixth Powers in DL10 program.
7.8.9 Three Programs Not Implemented.
8. Subroutines
8.1 Subroutine Library
8.2 Multiplication
8.2.1 Fast Signed Multiplication subroutines
8.2.2 Unsigned Multiplication M5.
8.2.3 Single Length by Double Length Signed
Multiplication M6.
8.2.4 Single Length by Double Length Unsigned
Multiplication M7.
8.2.5 Double Length Multiplication M9.
8.4 Division
8.4.1 Non-restoring division Version 1.
8.4.2 Non-restoring division Version 2.
8.4.3 Non-restoring division (extracting
two digits per cycle).
8.4.4 Integer division.
8.5 High accuracy (e.g. Double length arithmetic)
8.5.1 Double length signed division (H1).
8.5.2 Double length multiplication (H2).
8.6 Floating arithmetic
8.6.1 Floating Binary Point.
8.6.2 Prepare in Floating Form.
8.6.3 Floating Addition and Subtraction.
8.6.4 Floating Multiplication.
8.6.5 Floating Division.
8.7 Read, Card Input
8.7.1 Subroutine R1.
8.7.2 Subroutine R2.
8.8 Output, punched cards
8.8.1 Subroutine P1, Punch Decimal
8.9 Power series
8.9.1 Subroutine K1.
8.9.2 Using K1 to calculate ln(1+X),
(0 ≤ X ≤ 1).
8.10 Square Root.
9. References
9.1 Pilot ACE
9.3 General
9.4 Sources
9.4.1 The NPL Archive.
10. Notes
10.1 The Initial Card.
10.2 Wilkinson's 1955 non-recurring Division
10.3 Donald Davies'
"Pilot ACE Simulaton Program".
10.4 A Java version of Donald Davies' simulator.
11. The Fine Print - Permissions
12. More Fine Print - Disclaimer
The ACE Pilot Model was designed and built at the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington in England. According to Donald Davies, "The main honours for the design and construction of the Pilot Model ACE are shared by Alan M. Turing, James H. Wilkinson and Edward A. Newman, aided by a sharp nudge from Harry D. Huskey, who really started the Pilot Model idea rolling." [CJ05 ix]
The ACE computer was Alan Turing's brainchild. You can find a lot more about Alan Turing in the web-site maintained by Jack Copeland and Diane Proudfoot. Turing started to design the machine in 1945 after the close of the Second World War. He envisaged a large, sophisticated computer. In 1947 the visiting American mathematician Harry Huskey proposed building a small Test Assembly to prove the concept. This project, designed to be as simple as possible while still producing a functioning computer, started in the spring of 1947 but was abandoned. The idea was revived in 1949, renamed as the Pilot model ACE, first worked on 10th May 1950 and was completed in 1952.
The full story of the conception and construction of the Pilot ACE can be found in Copeland's book "Alan Turing's Automatic Computing Engine" [CJ05]
The Pilot Ace evolved through several stages and the instruction codes and console layout changed several times. The changes to the console can be seen in the succession of photographs displayed in the emulator picture gallery.
The console layout used in the emulator depicts the console now preserved in the Science Museum in London (below) and the instruction code is the version described by Wilkinson in [WJ55].
It is convenient to start our story with the eventful day when the machine first ran a program.
"Towards the end of the day on 10th May 1950 we had all the basic pulse circuits working, the control unit, one long delay line and a short delay line fitted with an additive and subtractive input. However, our only method of inserting instructions was via a set of 32 switches on which we could set up one instruction at a time in binary; our only method of output was a set of 32 lights to which a binary number could be sent".
"Unfortunately the amplifier on the delay line was barely adequate and the probability of remembering a pulse pattern for as long as a minute was not very high. We concocted a very elementary program consisting of a few instructions only; this took the number on the input switches, added it into the short delay line once per millisecond and put on the next light on the set of 32 output lights when the accumulator overflowed. The lights therefore came on at a speed which depended on the size of the number on the input switches. We laboriously fed this program again and again into the computer but each time the memory would fail before we could finish. On about the twentieth occasion we finally succeeded in inserting the whole program and all the lights flashed up instantaneously. We reduced the input number and they came on slowly one by one; we doubled it and the lights came on at twice the rate and we switched off for the day knowing the computer was working." [WJ05 99]
If you would like to relive the events of that day (but with a more reliable delay line), see the 'Successive Digits' program.
"The first Pilot ACE program became known as 'Suc Digs'. It was designed to test out the loading and operation of instructions, the single length accumulator TS16, input and output of a simple kind, both kinds of jump instruction and shifting in TS26. This simple program became the last resort when testing the machine after a failure. If it couldn't do 'Suc Digs', it was in a poor state, so 'Suc Digs' became an institution." [DD2].
By November, the ACE Pilot Model was working well enough for N.P.L. to risk a grand public demonstration. Day 1 for the popular press produced stories about the 'electronic brain'. Day 2 was for the technical press and day 3 for invited guests including F.C.Williams, Tom Kilburn and Maurice Wilkes.
"Most early computer builders have a 'hard luck story' for their first demonstration day. Ours was a good luck story. For the demonstration we had three main programs, two popular and one serious. Of the popular programs the first [the 'Day of the Week' program] took a date in decimal from input keys and gave out the corresponding day of the week on a cathode-ray tube while the second [the 'Smallest Factor'] took a six-figure decimal number and gave its highest factor. Popular programs provide a merciless test since the slightest error is readily apparent. The serious program traced the path of rays through a complex set of lens; it was virtually impossible for anybody not intimately connected with the computer to know for certain whether this was working correctly. In the event the Pilot ACE worked virtually perfectly for the whole of the demonstration period." [WJ05 100]
"The 'popular' program took in a six figure decimal number and 'gave its highest factor'. Since the output allowed only numbers up to 999, I think it was actually the smallest factor. A bottle of beer was offered to the press for finding any six figure prime. Whenever a multiple of three or seven was called out, Wilkinson responded 'divisible by 3' or 'divisible by 7' before it was entered. This amazed the press more than the machine itself." [DD2]
"The Pilot ACE had been designed purely as an experimental machine with the object of demonstrating the competence of the team as computer engineers. It was originally intended that when it was successfully completed a full-scale computer would be built. In the event it did not work out like this. At the time when it was successfully demonstrated it was the only electronic computer in a government department and indeed the only other working computers were EDSAC at Cambridge, SEAC at the National Bureau of Standards and an early version of the Manchester machine. We naturally came under very heavy pressure to use the Pilot ACE for serious computing. We accordingly embarked on a small set of modifications which included the addition of an automatic multiplier and improvements to the control unit which made programming a little less arduous. The computer was then put into general use and did yeoman service for a number of years." [WJ05 100]
In February 1952 the Pilot ACE was moved to the Mathematics Division of N.P.L. and put into continuous service. By March 1954 it had been enhanced by the addition of a magnetic drum memory.
Although not intended to be used for large-scale computation, it was in active operation until 1956.
The final version of the Pilot Ace now stands in a glass case in the British Science Museum in London, for all to see.
"During the period when the Pilot ACE was being built the English Electric Company became interested in electronic computers and a small group from the company joined us at N.P.L. ... After the success of the Pilot machine English Electric decided to gain experience by building engineered versions of this computer." [WJ05 102]
"DEUCE (Digital Electronic Universal Computing Engine) is a machine built by the English Electric Co. Ltd., from a design used by N.P.L. for the ACE Pilot Model (Automatic Computing Engine). The differences between DEUCE and the ACE Pilot Model concern certain rationalisations of design and the size of store." [EE59 7]
The first DEUCE was delivered in the spring of 1955. It is fortunate that early DEUCE models were very similar to the Pilot ACE because some documentation for the DEUCE 'Version 0' survives, and provides a valuable guide to undocumented features of the Pilot ACE.
Thereafter, English Electric upgraded DEUCE in several ways. Within a few months they introduced the Automatic Instruction Modifier (AIM). Later they made it possible to read 64 columns of each card rather than 32 (and hence two instructions per row rather than the original one instruction per row). Later still, they made it possible to utilise all 80 columns of a card and also increased the memory size by the addition of seven extra delay lines.
The successive models were called the Mark 0, Mark I, Mark II and Mark IIA. By September 1961 there were two Mark 0, 19 Mark 1, five Mark 2 and four Mark 2A machines in service.
Meanwhile, work finally began on the 'Big' ACE in the autumn of 1954. It was completed in late 1958 and remained in service until 1967. Only one was made. [CJ05 77]
Return to Contents
The multiplier on the Pilot ACE was only partly automatic. It
produced the product of two numbers which it treated as positive
integers. To multiply two numbers, a and b, together,
a was sent to TS20, b to DS14 odd, zero to DS14 even
and a transfer (source irrelevant) made to destination 19. The
product was then produced in DS14 in about two milliseconds.
Corrections had to be made to the answer if a and b
were signed numbers. Subroutines to do this are shown in
Section 4.2.2
Because the multiplier calculated in parallel with other operations it was
possible to access D20, S14, D14, S13, and D13 during multiplication, and to
modify TS20 by transfering numbers to it from DL10, using TCA on. This made
possible rapid conversion from binary-coded decimal to binary; conversion of
card row patterns to binary; re-arrangement of word patterns; and the counting
of digits in a word. These procedures are described in DEUCE News 36.
While no surviving code for Pilot Ace uses TCA there are hints it may have
been tried.
Boothroyd in DEUCE NEWS 36 said "It is believed that the use of TCA during
multiplication was first suggested by Brian Munday (then at N.P.L.). So far as is
known the detailed coding was first done at NRL." For more, see
4.2.3. If Munday thought of the idea I would be surprised
if he didn't try to use it in some way.
In the description of his emulator, Donald Davies mentions: "A strict
simulation would allow the programmer to interfere with its operation by
accessing DS14, though this was very rarely used."
[DD1]. Not never.
Martin Campbell-Kelly in his 1981 paper mentions: "A fascinating item is a note
book entitled "ACE News" which was circulated among Pilot ACE programmers for them
to record and pass on interesting programming tricks they had discovered. Over a
period of years a whole folklore of programming for the Pilot ACE was recorded in
this book." [MC81 p137]. I bet there would have been
something in there about it. I have hunted high and low for this book. It isn't in
the archive at Wroughton. I hate to think it has ended up in a tip somewhere.
Boothroyd appendix
Documentation of these multiplication subroutines has survived.
DEUCE News 36 [DN36] describes "various techniques which
exploit the logical structure of the DEUCE multiplier and divider for purposes
other than straightforward multiplication and division." Pilot ACE did not have an
automatic divider, but the techniques listed for the multiplier were equally
applicable on Pilot ACE. The following example, derived from the DEUCE code, shows
how it might have been done.
Example: Counting the non-zero bits in a word.
Recasting DEUCE News, page 11: the counting can be done in one or two
ways. The method used here produces, separately
Use is made of the ability to extract information from S14
while the multiplication is in progress.
The digits of the input word are sensed in the odd minor
cycles starting at P32. If P32 is present,
add P1 into 140 in the next even minor
cycle. If P31 is present, add another "one" to the
count in 140. The original digit in 140 has
moved up one place since it was inserted and the units position
of the counter is now in the P2 position. The "one"
which scores the presence of a P31 has to be a
In this example, counting is performed at two places in
140, P1 and P17. Both counters
move up and half way through MULT we have the sum of the more
significant 16 digits, SM, at the P16 and
P32 positions in 140. At the end of MULT
we have the sum of the least significant 16 digits, SL,
at P16 in 140, the sum of all digits
SA at P32 in 140,1 and
SM has now moved up to P16 and
P32 positions in 140 (most of the
P32 part has been lost). SM at P16
and P32 positions is extracted half way through MULT,
and subtracted from 140 at the end of MULT.
DL10 contains
10m P1 + P17
and the instructions are
0 - 21 TCA on
The result is
SA at P1 in DS141
Five circuit diagrams of the multiplier have also survived but it is not
known if the latest one is the final version. They were preserved by Betty Curtis
and are now held at Bletchley Park.
The five diagrams were designed by G C Alway and drawn by A Roberts.
They are reproduced here, courtesy Bletchley Park:
The documents that survive are mostly undated. This matters because the
instruction set changed several times during the development of the ACE.
A further complication occurs in Wilkinson's paper for the Royal Society
written in 1955 [WJ55]. There he avoids the confusion caused by having
the least significant digit on the left and describes the Pilot ACE as
though the least significant digit of numbers is on the right, where people commonly
encounter it. He also refers to digit positions P1 to P32 as P0 to P31. So care
is needed in relating the paper to other descriptions of the machine.
I can no longer find a reference to the simulator on the Web so I have
provided a mirror
"The simulation is programmed in Visual Basic, Version 1, which is no longer
available as a product, but the program can be copied and distributed together
with enough software to run it in a Windows environment. It should be easy to
adapt it for a current Visual Basic system."
4. The Pilot ACE Structure.
4.1 The Computer Console.
4.2 The Multiplier.
4.2.1 Detailed Operation of the Multiplier.
4.2.2 Multiplication Subroutines.
4.2.3 Unorthodox Uses of the Multiplier.
10m+2 P2 + P18
10m+4 P3 + P19
10m+30 P16 + P32
n - 141 n into accumulator 141
28 - 140 clear 140
0 - 19 start multiply (m.c. m)
140 - 26 (m.c. m+33)
19 - 26 multiply by 2
14 - 13 double (multiply by 2)
141 - 27
22 - 141 (TS26) OR (TS27) into 141
SL at P17 in DS140
SM at P17 in TS26
4.2.4 Circuit Diagrams.
4.3 The Drum.
5. The Instruction Code
5.1 Some Notes about Interpreting the Pilot ACE Documentation.
6. Pilot ACE Emulators.
6.1 Donald Davies' "Pilot ACE Simulaton Program" 1999.
He notes several "deficiencies of the simulation":
"1) The multiplier. Used in the correct way, the multiplier of the simulation gives the correct result but the time it occupies is ignored. A strict simulation would allow the programmer to interfere with its operation by accessing DS14, though this was very rarely used. The ability to run programs in parallel with the multiplier makes it quite difficult to include the multiplier's effect on total time. It could simply occupy 2 major cycles as a rough estimate, but this would misrepresent the parallelism. In the simulation, a check is made that TCB is off and DS14 even is cleared, though the real machine did not do this, it would simply make errors.
2) The drum. No attempt is made to account for the delay imposed for head shifting and the 9 ms taken by transfers. This could be done if the time allowed for head shifts was known as well as the precise nature of the interlock (what things the interlock prevents).
(The simulation gives the elapsed time of the real machine accurately from the entry into a program to its completion if the multiplier, drum or cards are not used within the program.)
3) Strange instructions. The simulation has been tested with instructions such as are commonly found in programs. The example of TS20 when TCA=1 showed how easy it was to make a mistake which affected only a few kinds of instruction (in that case 20-10). It is possible that some unusual instructions exist which are not properly covered. No attempt was made to deal with 'pathological' use of instructions.
4) Card reading and punching. The operator's work of selecting and assembling a pack of cards for the reader cannot be simulated. In the simulation, the card images for input must be assembled in the files devoted to cards (numbers 128 to 383 in our scheme) and the number of the first card given in a text box. Punching produces card images with numbers in the range 256 to 383. This may overwrite existing 'punched' cards. Manual operations to copy sets of 32 words between delay lines and cards make useful card manipulations possible, but it is very different from the real thing.
The T.I.L. source will work correctly only if it is tested after the stop instruction which reads or punches a card row. Outside the time of card operations it usually gives ones.
5) Realism. Because a programmed display of all the store is necessarily very slow, the useful facility of looking at memory during running is lost. Only the output register can be seen during a run. Initial input does give a glimpse of progress, however.
At present, Visual Basic makes it impossible to have a clean halt from a running program.
The controls look nothing like the real machine. This could be remedied with extensive use of graphics, but not by me. Some Pilot model facilities such as stopping on partially specified instructions, are missing.
The simulation has manual features not present in the real machine, such as loading words into delay lines and registers and transfers between delay lines and drum tracks or card images. Words cannot be seen in 'backwards binary' form but are available in hexadecimal, decimal and instruction format. In practice, program preparation, loading and testing and changes during testing are very easy with this simulation."
In 2001, two graduates - Shih-Yun (Athena) Huang and Nick Rugai - at the Department of Computer Science, University of San Francisco, CA. completed a Master's Project, PACES (Pilot Model Automatic Computing Engine Simulation).
They updated Davies' simulator from Visual Basic to a Java application (and also a Java applet). While doing so, they "improved two functions from [the] VB simulator: (1) Run simulator in real pACE time. (2) Display all the delay lines". It seems there is no longer any reference to this project on the Web.
Regretably the emulator is not currently available. The earlier version will not work on Windows 8 or later. I am currently updating the code.
Quick Operating Instructions to see the emulator work.
To Install the emulator:
If you haven't already done so, create a folder C:\PILOTACE using Windows Explorer. Unzip the contents of the Emulator Package into this folder. The emulator and its support files should all be in C:\PILOTACE. The emulator expects to find its files in that folder and it puts output files there.
To Start the emulator:
The menu bar offers several options, including more pictures of Pilot ACE at various stages of its development and some useful information.
To Run the emulator:
To Run the Demonstration Program 'Successive Digits':
'Successive Digits' was the first program to run on the Pilot ACE, back in 1950.
This program can be run from the card deck SUCDIGS.CRD, as follows:
1. 'Load' SUCDIGS.CRD (in the Menu, click 'Card Handling' > 'Load an Input Card Deck' > 'Open...', select SUCDIGS.CRD (single click on it) and press the 'Open' button.
2. Press (click just below) the 'Initial Input' key in the Card Reader Insert. The cards will read in and the program will stop with {1 25-26} on the Input Statisicer lights (that is to say, NIS = 1; SOURCE = 25; DEST = 26, remembering that the numbers have their least significant digit on the left)
3. Set P22 to one on the ID. (Press the corresponding black key near the bottom of the screen)
4. Press the 'ONE SHOT' key. The OS lights will gradually turn on in sequence.
5. The program will stop on (1 25-26}, ready to repeat the calculation.
6. To go again, press the 'CLEAR OPS' key to clear the OS, then return to step 3.
P22 works well on my computer but you may wish to try different speeds by choosing different P values. The larger the number, the faster the OS neons will light up; the lower, the slower; so you can experiment to find a speed that suits your computer. The P numbers can be altered while 'Suc Digs' is running. To turn off a bit on the ID, raise the corresponding black key (click just above it).
To quit the emulator:
Return to Contents
Many programs were written for the Pilot Ace. Few have survived.
"Problems dealt with during 1952 included bomb trajectories, aircraft
flutter calculations, a gravimetric survey, reduction of aerial survey data,
pressure distribution on aircraft wings and testing a theory on geomagnetism."
"During 1953 the work for aircraft firms continued to expand, and the final
stage of the flutter problem - the calculation of critical speeds - was
programmed. Solutions of stereograms (in the analytical treatment of
photogrammetry) were undertaken for the Ordnance Survey Office; the machine
was used in a investigation into the optimum setting of traffic signals under
varying traffic conditions; an investigation was undertaken into the stability
of particle orbits in the proposed synchrotron of C.E.R.N at Geneva."
And many more projects followed. None of this material has survived, except for
the following:
Many of the earliest DEUCE programs were simply transcribed from Pilot ACE code
into DEUCE code, often at N.P.L., so reverse coding them produces routines that are
probably very close to the originals. I have done this for .
The first of his programs, written between December 1952 and March 1953,
is particularly well documented, with flow charts, coding sheets and a worked
example. It calculates the drag on the fuselage of an airplane and most likely
contributed to the design of the English Electric Lightning fighter jet (the
first English airplane to exceed the speed of sound in level flight). It is
reviewed here in Section 7.7.
His second program, written in mid-1953, relates to the critical speed of
machinery. The file is labeled "Part A: Theory and Programmes" suggesting
there may have been examples in a Part B, but if so that is now lost.
On the Pilot ACE, the procedure to read in a new program was to select the
appropriate deck of cards, place the cards in the hopper of the card reader,
and then press the 'Initial Input' key.
"The machine is started by operating a switch [the Initial Input key]
which clears all the registers and artificially operates the read feed."
[WJ51B 33]
An Initial Card is needed because there is no reason to call any particular
minor cycle m.c.0. When the Initial Input key is pressed the computer is able
to align with the start of a word, but that word may be in an even or an odd
m.c. The machine can always distinguish between even and odd because of the
structure of DS14. The delay lines need to be in sync with DS14.
6.3.2 Limitations.
7. Programs
... Linear Equations fast Apr-May 1953
... Matrix Inversion (fast) n<=13
7.1 Program Input.
7.1.1 The Initial Card.
On DEUCE, "When the Initial Input key is pressed the memory store is cleared, i.e. every word is zero. For some reason connected with the circuitry TSCOUNT is not completely cleared; instead the word {0, 0-0, 0, W, T, X} is left in it." [**EE59 87]
There is no record of whether the English Electric engineers introduced this 'error' with their circuit changes or if it was already present in the Pilot ACE. Quite possibly it was in the Pilot ACE, because it would not have caused a problem.
Fortunately two actual cards exist in the Science Museum archives. They are identical and have this content:
rowY {0 0-23 0 0 X} rowX {0 0- 0 0 0 X} row0 {0 29-14 0 1 X} row1 {0 0- 0 0 0 X} row2 {0 25-13 0 0 X} row3 {0 0- 0 0 0 X} row4 {0 14-25 0 1 X} row5 {0 0- 0 0 0 X} row6 {0 0-21 0 1 X} row7 {0 0- 0 0 0 X} row8 {0 28-14 0 2 X} row9 {0 0- 0 0 0 X}
Assume the worst case: after initial input, TSCOUNT contains {0 0-0 W T X}
If P1 is added to DS14(1), DS14(1) will become zero and there will be a carry of 1, which will be lost. So DS14(0) will remain equal to -1. Thus DS14 is non-zero if m+T+13 is odd.
If P1 is added to DS14(0), DS14(0) will become zero and there will be a carry of 1. The nature of double length arithmetic using DS14 is that a single length transfer to DS13(0) will automatically extend the carry to DS14(1). Thus the carried 1 will be added to DS14(1), setting DS14(1) equal to zero also. Thus DS14 is zero if m+T+13 is even.
If DS14 is non-zero, the next instruction is DL11(m+T+19), which is odd, and {0 0-0 0 0 X} is sent to TSCOUNT in m.c. m+T+19. Set n=m+T+19. n is odd.
The machine is now in a standard condition to read the remaining cards - TCA and TCB are OFF, {0 0-0 0 0 X} is in TSCOUNT and m.c.0 is even.
However, m.c.0 may not be aligned with the top of the scope.
P35 is also present on row 9, and this stimulates the reader to read another card.
Return to Contents
As mentioned earlier, this was the first program to run on the Pilot ACE, on 10 May 1950. The original version of the program is lost and would anyway have used the instruction codes current in 1950.
In 1999, Donald Davies recreated the code using the 1955 instruction set. "This first program became known as 'Suc. Digs'... The output was a single binary digit, running along the lamps which showed the output register. The rate of travel was adjusted by choosing an input number which was added to the accumulator until it spilled into the sign digit, then making one shift of the output digit. ... There was no record of the [code] we used on the real machine, but [my version of Suc. Digs.] does the same thing - as far as I can remember." [DD2]
I think this is not entirely correct. The nature of the OS is that "If several words are sent to D28, the number set up on the lights will be equivalent to a number which has a one in every position where at least one of the words had a one" [WJ51A #7.2] and "The lights can only be cleared, that is the number registered in them returned to zero, by operating a manual switch" [WJ55 270]. So the output would not have shown a single digit but rather a line of ones gradually building from left to right. And Wilkinson states "we finally succeeded in inserting the whole program and all the lights flashed on instantaneously." [WJ05 99]
This program can be run from the card deck SUCDIGS.CRD (Section 4).
Alternatively, you can repeat the events of 10 May 1950 as follows:
1. Press 'Clear Store' key
2. Enter the instruction {0 0-1 s 16 17 X} on the ID keys. (Recall that
the computer uses 'backwards binary' so that, for example, 16 is 00001, not
10000. And that a neon is off for 0 and on for 1. And that X indicates that
P32 has the value 0 and the absence of X means P32 = 1. And that s indicates
that P15 = 1. )
3. Press the 'One Shot' key (single shot).
4. Repeat 2. and 3. for the following instructions
5. {1 15-15 s 0 20 }
6. {0 0- 1 17 26 X}
7. {1 0- 1 s 30 31 X}
8. {1 15-15 s 0 19 }
9. {1 25-26 0 0 X}
10. {1 28-29 s 0 31 }
11. {1 0-17 0 0 }
12. {1 28-16 0 0 }
13. {1 16-24 s 0 28 }
14. {1 26-28 0 0 }
15. {0 0- 0   0 0 X} ie. zero: clear the ID keys by pressing the 'Clear ID' key.
16. {1 19-26 0 0 }
17. {0 0- 0 0 0 X} ie. zero.
18. {1 26-25 s 0 21 }
19. At this stage the computer will halt with {1 25 26} on the IS neons.
Clear the last instruction from the ID, set a value on the ID neons, say P22,
and press 'One Shot'. The program will slowly light up the OS neons from left
to right, then stop on {1 25 26} again, ready to repeat the program.
20. To repeat the program, a) clear the OS neons by pressing the 'Clear
OPS' key, b) set a new value on the ID neons, and c) press 'One Shot'.
The code in steps 2 and 5-8 is a small boot-strap I have written. (15-15 is a dummy instruction. It does not change the content of memory but the timing number allows the program to put the subsequent code into the correct stores.) This is one way to get the program into the computer, but I don't know if Wilkinson used this code. The code in steps 9-18 is Donald Davies' 'Suc Digs' program.
If you tune the monitor to Delay Line 1 you will see the delay line updated as each instruction is entered.
This was one of the three programs presented at the N.P.L. public demonstration on 29th November 1950. We don't yet have the full code for this program.
"For the demonstration we had three main programs, two popular and one serious. Of the popular programs the first [this Program] took a date in decimal from input keys and gave out the corresponding day of the week on a cathode-ray tube while the second [Smallest Factor] took a six-figure decimal number and gave its highest factor. The serious program traced the path of rays through a complex set of lens; it was virtually impossible for anybody not intimately connected with the computer to know for certain whether this was working correctly." [WJ05 100]
This is the only Pilot ACE program for which some original cards survive. Six original input cards are held in the archive at the Imperial College Library, London. Sadly the deck is not complete: the first card is a special card to initialise the computer and the last two cards are part of an incomplete triad. It seems possible that just one card is missing, and if so, it might be possible to resurrect the original code.
A similar program was written for DEUCE (Calendar, ZV06) but that code is also lost.
Code is available for a later DEUCE version ZV06T/1. However this is a more sophisticated program coded for a much upgraded version of DEUCE and so not a useful guide to what ZV06 might have been. "This demonstration program reads a date (A.D. only) set on the I.D., calculates the day of the week on which it falls and displays the answer in the scope. ... allowance is made for the change from the Julian to the Gregorian Calendar on 3rd - 13th September, 1752. Except on Mark 0 machines this program supersedes ZV06 (No. 5) because it is ... not restricted to the 19th and 20th centuries."
Donald Davies, who was present at the demonstration in November 1950, later recalled that "The program took in a six figure decimal number and 'gave its highest factor'. Since the output allowed only numbers up to 999, I think it was actually the smallest factor. A bottle of beer was offered to the press for finding any six figure prime. Whenever a multiple of three or seven was called out, Wilkinson responded 'divisible by 3' or 'divisible by 7' before it was entered. This amazed the press more than the machine itself."
This code in PROG07DD.CRD was developed by Donald Davies in 1999. "I have tried to reproduce the popular demonstration. ... I have made it to treat any odd number less than 232. Given a number in the input register, it tries division by 3, 5, 7,... until the quotient is smaller than the test divisor. If the remainder is zero, it signals a prime by the buzzer. If not, it outputs the smallest factor of the given number [on the OPS] and returns to the start in either case."
To run the program:
1. Load the program cards PROG07DD.CRD
2. The program stops with (1 0-15) on the IS lights
3. Enter a number on the ID lights (for example, the illustration below).
4. Press 'ONE SHOT'. The computer calculates the smallest factor and puts
it on the OS lights.
5. To make another calculation, press 'CLEAR OPS', press 'CLEAR ID' and go
to step 3.
"A useful number for demonstration is 999,997 which is 757 x 1321". The result for this calculation is shown below.
This would not have been a very usable demonstration. Inputting a six digit decimal number in backwards binary and reading a three digit result in backwards binary would have been incomprehensible to most people. Davies provided input and output in decimal in his emulator but not in the Pilot ACE code.
One way to enter the numbers as decimals is to use 4-bit binary-coded
decimal in the ID, and to display the smallest factor in the same way in the
OS. I have developed some code to do this in Version 2 below.
Davies noted that "the program took in a six figure decimal number" but
there is no record of how this was done.
I have extended the code to allow the decimals to be entered as individual
4-bit binary codes in the ID, and to display the smallest factor in the same
way in the OS. This is PROG07DG.CRD.
To run the program:
1. Load the program cards PROG07DG.CRD
2. The program stops with (2 0-26) on the IS lights
3. Enter a number on the ID lights (for example, the illustration below).
4. Press 'ONE SHOT'. The computer calculates the smallest factor and puts
it on the OS lights.
5. To make another calculation, press "CLEAR OPS', press 'CLEAR ID' and go
to step 3.
The numbers in this screen are hexadecimal (four bits separated by a space), reading in the normal way (least significant digit on the right and least significant bit on the right). The silver switches have been adjusted to highlight the position of the separating spaces and do not play an active role in the program. The ID shows the number 999997 and the OS shows its smallest factor 757. The calculation takes about 12 seconds on my computer.
Further investigation reveals that there is a DEUCE program ZV03 'Million Factors Slow', "a demonstration programme [which] reads a number less than a million from the I.D., computes its smallest factor, if any, and displays this, or the word PRIME, in the scope". It is another very early program, DEUCE Program Number 7, so it was almost certainly derived from a similar Pilot ACE version.
For input, "On the I.D. set successively the digits of the number commencing with the most significant; the convention used is for the P1 - P10 keys to represent the digits 0-9. If the number has less than 6 digits set a P32 after the last one.
The "Programme stops on 1, 30-21 X with the smallest factor or the word PRIME displayed in the scope".
ZV03 is a candidate for reverse engineering, as we have the code, but it is not yet implemented.
After the Lord Mayor's Show comes the dust cart. BOUNCE.CRD is a bouncing ball demonstration program. The program was written in 2011 and has no historical significance. However, it is authentic Pilot ACE code. It depicts a ball (in DL 8) bouncing within the confines of the monitor.
To run the program:
1. Load the program cards BOUNCE.CRD
2. Switch the scope to DL 8.
3. The program runs until interupted.
Notice that the ball stays within the vertical boundaries but may run through the top or bottom of the monitor screen. This is perfectly normal (see Note 10.1).
There is no speed control. What you see is what you get.
DEUCE had a demonstration program ZV02. It "reads a year from the I.D. and displays in the scope the date of Easter Sunday in that year".
Cliff Robinson recalled that: "Easter Program: you may be interested in its background. We were due to formally demonstrate DEUCE to the first batch of experts (mainly from NPL) who were due to come to Kidsgrove. About three days before they came, J.K. Brown insisted we invent and make some demo programs to show it off. One of these was the Easter Sunday program written by John Denison. " This event most likely occurred in 1955.
So, clearly, the Easter program was not a Pilot Ace program. However, given the dearth of demonstration programs for the Pilot Ace it is convenient to adapt it to run on the emulator. This Pilot Ace version of the Easter program is described here.
A tray of cards, (NPL I2) in the Woodger/NPL papers in the Science Museum Archives in Wroughton, contains cards output by this program and dated December 1951.
There is no more documentation but I have reprogrammed the calculation and more details are here.
Amongst the Woodger papers in the Wroughton Archives is a flowchart (below) for NIM on Pilot Ace. Called NIM 2, there is no date and no author's name. The code pre-dates November 1951 because it uses TS8 and TS9 instead of DL's 8 and 9. It possibly dates to before Pilot Ace was built and there is no evidence a version ever ran on Pilot Ace.
NIM 2 had the limited objective of finding a winning move for a given set of piles or advising that no such move was available. Playing with physical piles outside the computer, the operator would have to adjust for the recommended move or deal with the losing situation, observe his opponent's move, then feed the new pile sizes into the computer for more advice.
In fact the Pilot Ace has ample capacity to play a full game against an operator. I wrote NIM 3 to do so, in 2016, based on NIM 2.
The following programs, written by Donald Davies in about 1999, all work, but do not provide anything new to look at, or anything to look at at all.
Donald Davies' program 2. For numbers from 1 to 1625 it forms the squares and cubes, using the iterations:
(n+1)3 = n3 + 3n2 + 3n + 1
(n+1)2 = n2 + 2n + 1
At the end, only the square and cube of 1625 is retained. By one-shots, 16253, 16252 and 1625 are output (to the OS), leaving the program ready to run again.
To run the program:
1. Load PROG02DD.CRD. The program stops on {1 28-15}
2. Single Shot (press 'ONE SHOT'), program stops on (1 20-28 ) with
16253 in the OS.
3. Press 'CLEAR OPS'.
4. Single Shot, program stops on (1 15-28) with 16252 in the OS
5. Press 'CLEAR OPS'
6. Single shot, program stops on (1 28-15) with 1625 in the OS
7. To repeat the program, 'CLEAR OPS' and return to step 2.
Donald Davies' program 3. Same principle as the previous program.
To run the program:
1. Load PROG03DD.CRD. The program stops on {1 28-20}
2. Single Shot (press 'ONE SHOT'), program stops on (1 26-28) with
2554 in the OS.
3. Press 'CLEAR OPS'.
4. Single Shot, program stops on (1 15-28) with 2553 in the OS
5. Press 'CLEAR OPS'.
6. Single Shot, program stops on (1 20-28) with 2552 in the OS
7. Press 'CLEAR OPS'.
8. Single Shot, program stops on (1 28-20) with 255 in the OS
9. To repeat the program, 'CLEAR OPS' and return to step 2.
Donald Davies' program 9, available as PROG09DD.CRD. Similar comments apply as for PROG07DD ('Smallest Factor' Version 1).
Donald Davies' program 12. He says "An interesting further development [of the smallest factor program] takes any number less than 232 and finds all its factors, which it places in the words of DL10 [the smallest factor furthest down the list]. It also treats even numbers. Where there are small factors it may give 1 as the smallest factor." [DD2]
This program is implemented in PROG12DD.CRD. To run the program:
1. Load PROG12DD.CRD. Program stops on {1 0-21 1}
2. Enter a number in backwards binary in the ID
3. Single shot.
"Using 231 = 21474 83648 will fill the delay line with 31 twos and a one."[DD2] "A quirk in the program gives the last factor at the top of the list as 1 if the largest factor occurs more than once. Since the program has only one spare word in the delay line this cannot be corrected in a one DL program." [DD1]
"A good example is 2230 92870 = 23 x 19 x 17 x 13 x 11 x 7 x 5 x 3 x 2. " [DD1] for which the backwards binary is {01100 00100 00010 00011 00101 01100 00}.
Donald Davies' program 13: List cubes of numbers to 1625 in DL10. This is a variant of his program 2. It calculates squares and cubes of the numbers from 1 to 1625 and places the cubes in DL 10, using the rotation so that the last result, 16253 is in word 0 while (1625-31)3 is in word 31.
To run the program:
1. Load PROG14DD.CRD. The program stops on {1 0-21 1}
2. Align the scope to DL 10.
3. Single shot (press One Shot). The scope fills with the calculated 6th
4. Single shot clears DL 10 and repeats step 3.
Donald Davies' program 15: "Table of sin(x) to pi/2 in steps of pi/60. Using the power series up to x15, this program calculates 31 values of sin(x) and stores them as the integers 231sin(x) in drum track 125 (ie, 7,13), with sin(0) in word 31 at the bottom and sin(pi/2) in word 1 near the top. The results can be seen also in DL9. These are calculated as binary fractions with the binary point [between P31 and P32]." [DD1].
To run the program:
1. Load PROG15DD.CRD. The program stops on {2 28-9}
2. Align the scope to DL 9.
3. Single shot (press 'One Shot'). The scope fills with the calculated
values of sin(x).
4. Single shot clears DL 10 and repeats step 3.
Davies' code would not have worked on the Pilot ACE as it stands, because insufficient cycles are allowed for multiplication to finish before the multiplier stores are altered. Also one of the {0-19} instructions starts in an even mc instead of an odd mc. I have inserted dummy instructions to ensure that 65 mc always elapses before the multiplier is disturbed, for example:
replacing {116 1 0-19 0 0} by {116 2
0-19 3 2}
{118 1 14-15 1 1}
{220 1 15-15 1 29 28}
{118 1 14-15
1 1}
The extra instruction here wastes about 90 mc. I haven't attempted to optimise the extra code.
Donald Davies' program 17 generates a "Table of cos(x) to pi/2 in steps of pi/60. Using the power series up to x14, calculates 31 values of cos(x) and stores these as the integers 231cos(x) in drum track 126 (ie. 7,14), with cos(0) in word 31 and cos(pi/2) in word 1." [DD1].
The program is implemented as PROG17DD.CRD and the comments about the coding in Section 7.8.6 apply here also.
Donald Davies' Program 18 - "Table of sin2(x) + cos2(x) as a check". "Using the values of sin(x) and cos(x) stored in tracks 125 and 126, this program sums their squares and places the results in track 127. This checks the sin and cos routines." [DD1]
Program 18 will not work on this emulator (nor would have on Pilot ACE) because the two drum tracks are not synchronised by the two programs after their Initial Input.
Donald Davies' Program 10 "It is convenient in this simulation to write and test a program in the delay lines and transfer it to the drum for storage. To load the program by initial input, it has to be split between three cards with the initial input program at its head. I have written a program which will convert one delay line full of program into three card images." [DD1] and Donald Davies' Program 11 "Copying a set of cards " are relevant only to his emulator and not meaningful Pilot ACE programs.
Noting that 'tables' or 'tables of instructions' are what we now call 'programs' ...
"The coding of a large problem is considerably simplified by the use of standard tables of instructions which have been coded previously. Such tables of instructions are known as subroutines and it is important that they should be organised in such a manner that their incorporation is as simple as possible.
"When a subroutine is used at several different points in the main table, one copy only is employed and arrangements are made by means of which the main table enters and obeys the subroutine instructions when required, but before doing so, it takes steps to ensure that when the subroutine is completed the machine returns to the appropriate place in the main table. The main table does this by planting an instruction called the LINK into a fixed position for each subroutine. The LINK instruction is obeyed on completion of the subroutine, and ensures returning to the correct place in the main table.
"A subroutine may itself make use of further subroutines. A subroutine which makes use of no subroutines is called a subroutine of first order. A subroutine which makes use of subroutines of the first order only is called a subroutine of the second order. In this way subroutines of any order may be defined. The link instructions of all first order subroutines are planted in 130 and in general the link instructions of all subroutines of order n are placed in 129+n.
"The main table plants a link in a TS and the subroutine itself plants that link in 129+n." [WJ51B #18]
Initially, subroutines were numbered in an ad hoc way. By the time 19 had been written, it became clear that a rational numbering system was needed, and the following directive was issued. The directive was not dated.
"The classification of the subroutines in the Library has been revised. The subroutines in each class will be numbered from 1 to 50. The library will also contain main routines numbered 51 upwards.
"The classes will be denoted by initial letters as follows:
A Floating arithmetic
B Complex numbers
C Checking
D Division
E Exponential
F General routines relating to functions (e.g.
G Differential equations
H High accuracy (e.g. Double length arithmetic)
J Special functions
K Power series
L Logarithms
M Multiplication
P Print or Punch, Output
Q Quadrature
R Read, Input
S nth root
T Trigonometrical functions
V Vectors, Matrices, Linear equations
X Demonstration programmes (Exposition)
Z Miscellaneous
"Existing subroutines D1, E1, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, T1, V1 will retain their present numbers. The others will be renumbered:
Old New
D.D.1 H1
D.M.1 H2
D.S.1 H3
D.Sq.1 H4
F A1
P.D.1 P1
R.D.1 R1
R.D.2 R2
S.1 K1
Sq.R.1 S1 "
Of these 19, the original code for subroutines M1, M2, M3, M4, and M5; A1 (was F); K1 (the old S1); H1 (was D.D.1); H2 (was D.M.1), R1 (was R.D.1) and R2 (was R.D.2); P1 (was D.P.1) and V1 is preserved in the NPL archive at Wroughton and is reproduced below.
I can find no record of just how many subroutines there finally were. Several more are scattered through the NPL files at Wroughton, including M6, M7, M9, M11, D6, E1, E2, K4, K7, L1, L2, T1.
Also in the Science Museum archives is a box of program cards which contains the following routines:
The Deuce computer, a modified Pilot Ace, was introduced in the Spring of 1955. The NPL staff modified many of their subroutines to provide software for Deuce. In three months from 31 May 1955 they converted over 40 to Deuce code. It seems likely, therefore, that they were not reworked in any way and are a good indication of the original Pilot Ace codes. Folder M07 at Wroughton contains most of these codes (see list). I have converted the following back to Pilot Ace code:
Finally, in 1999, Donald Davies, who was a member of the original Pilot Ace team, wrote an emulator for the Pilot Ace. As part of the exercise he rewrote a few subroutines. How close to the originals they are is not known.
Pilot Ace had an automatic multiplier. To multiply two numbers, a and b, together, a was sent to TS20, b to DS14 odd, and zero to DS14 even. Then the instruction 0-19 (the source is irrelevant) would cause the product to be produced in DS14 in 2 milliseconds. However, the multiplier was not fully automatic and a and b were treated as positive numbers. Corrections to the answer were needed if a and b were signed numbers, and subroutines to do this were developed. The following multiplication subroutines have survived.
The option to use floating point numbers was provided on Pilot ACE by 'subroutine F', later renamed 'subroutine A1'. It contained entry points to allow addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of floating point numbers.
The standard floating format of a number 'x' was a pair a and b, such that x = a.2b
The number 'a' has its binary point between P30 and P31 and 'b' is an integer. 'a' and 'b' are each allocated one store position and satisfy the inequalities:
1 > a ≥ 1/2
-1 ≤ a < -1/2
-232 ≤ b < 232 [a pencil correction says 31]
When a floating number in standard form is stored in a D.S. or a D.L., the number 'a' occupies an odd position and 'b' an even position.
The ranges were chosen so that the intermediate values produced when two numbers are added, subtracted, multiplied or divided (i.e. before the result is restored to standard form) could have their sign correctly identified. Note that the number which is {-2b.a} will not necessarily correspond to the pair (-a,b) because this pair will not necessarily be in standard form (e.g. when a is -1 or ?). The number zero is treated as a special case and is represented by the pair 0 and b for any value of b.
This is early code utilising TS11, before it became DL11. A later document shows that 1130 was used as a temporary replacement when the instruction code was changed. I have done this here, without re-optimising the code. The routine (using DL2, DL3 and DL4) is in subA1.crd.
I have made the following changes to the archived code, to correct typos and to replace TS11 with 1130:
20 {2 13-14 32 31 } {3 13-14 32 31 }
229 P21
33 {3 11-17 s 0 1 } {3 11-17 s 25
1 }
311 P21
318 {2 28-14 0 1 } {2 28-14 s 0
1 }
323 {3 16-17 1 16 } {3 16-17 0
16 }
325 {2 16-13 s 0 3 } {2 26-13 s 0
3 }
46 {2 11-18 s 0 20 } {2 11-18 s 22 20 }
What follows is basically a transcript of the archived document.
All the basic operations and a subroutine called 'Prepare in Floating Form' (F.P.) are given. Subroutine F.P. is used at the end of all the floating arithmetic operations to restore the intermediate results to standard form. The five subroutines which comprise 'floating arithmetic' are taken in one block, available in m.c.s DL20-31, 30-31, 41-9 and 419-31.
First order subroutine. Available as part of the floating routine.
Data a, b. a is double length, with binary point between odd P30 and odd P31. b is an integer.
Result Corresponding 'floating number' in standard form, i.e. a1, b1.
Temporary stores used
T.S.15 Link zero
T.S.16 b
2a1 + 0 or 2-30
4a1 + 0, 2-30, 2-29 or 3 x 2-30
D.S.14 a
a1 in odd
T.C.B off off
F.P.1 228
F.P.2 230
Time (n+3) m.s. where n is the number of positions by which x, the contents of D.S.14, has to be shifted to bring it within the range -2 ≤ x < -1 or 2 > x ≥ 1.
First order subroutine. Available as part of the floating routine.
Data a1, b1; a2, b2 corresponding to x and y in standard floating form.
Result a3, b3 corresponding to x+y in standard floating form.
Temporary stores used
T.S.15 Link zero
T.S.26 a1
2a3 + etc
T.S.27 b1
4a3 + etc
D.S.12 b2 even
a2 odd
a3 odd X even
T.C.B off
addition 222
subtraction 214
Time less than (n+8) m.s. where n is the number of positions by which x, the contents of D.S.14, has to be shifted to bring it within the range -2 ≤ x < -1 or 2 > x ≥ 1.
First order subroutine. Available as part of the floating routine.
Data a1,b1; a2,b2 corresponding to x and y. The a1 and a2 need not be moved up to the correct positions but are treated as though b.p. were between P30 and P31.
Result a3,b3 corresponding to x.y in standard floating form.
Temporary stores used
T.S.11 b2
T.S.15 Link zero
T.S.20 a2
T.S.26 a1
2a3 + etc
T.S.27 b1
4a3 + etc
a3 odd X even
T.C.A off
T.C.B off
Entry 314
Time (n+6) m.s. where n is the number of positions by which x, the contents of D.S.14, has to be shifted to bring it within the range -2 ≤ x < -1 or 2 > x ≥ 1.
First order subroutine. Available as part of the floating routine.
Data a1,b1; a2,b2 corresponding to numbers x and y in standard floating form.
Result a3,b3 corresponding to y/x in standard floating form.
Temporary stores used
T.S.11 b1
T.S.15 Link
T.S.16 a2
T.S.20 b2
T.S.26 a1
2a3 + etc
4a3 + etc
a3 odd X even
T.C.A off
T.C.B off
Entry 420
Time 34 m.s.
Information about Pilot ACE is limited to the following few documents, and even these tend to repeat the same basic information.
[DD1] Davies, D. W., ACE Pilot Model Simulation Program, August 1999.
[DD2] Davies, D. W., How to Demonstrate the ACE Pilot Model Simulation, November 1999.
[CJ05] Copeland (ed.), B. Jack (2005). "Alan Turing's Automatic Computing Engine". Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-856593-3. OCLC 56539230 224640979 56539230.
[WJ51A] "Logical Design of the Pilot Model", J Wilkinson,
September 1951.
Available from
[WJ51B] "Programming and Coding the Pilot Model", J Wilkinson,
November 1951. (Report Ma. 22/1024)?
Available from
[WJ53] "The Pilot ACE", J. H. Wilkinson, Chapter 11 (page 193ff) of "Computer Structures: Readings and Examples", C. Gordon Bell, McGraw-Hill Book Company
[WJ54] "Appendix to 22/1024", J Wilkinson, 1 March 1954.
Available from
[WJ55] Wilkinson, J. H., "An assessment of the system of optimum coding used on the pilot automatic computing engine at the National Physical Laboratory." Proc.Roy.Soc. Volume A 248, pp.253-281, 1955.
[WJ05] Wilkinson, J. H., "The Pilot ACE at the National Physical Laboratory", Chapter 4 in [CJ05]
[MC81] Campbell-Kelly, Martin. "Programming the Pilot ACE: Early
programming activity at the National Physical Laboratory.", Annals of the
History of Computing Volume 3, No.2, pp.133-162, 1981.
(available at but at a cost of $19.00).
[NPL82a] The Pilot Ace (Part One)
(Recollections of the early development work carried out by the team at N.P.L.
on the construction of the Pilot ACE computer. This N.P.L. film is told by Dr J
Wilkinson and Mr M Woodger, in 1982 by two members of the team. NPLdigital
Sep 3, 2008)
(This film was on but is no longer available there.)
[NPL82b] The Pilot Ace (Part Two)
(Once at but no longer available there.)
[WM58] Woodger M., "The History and Present Use of Digital Computers at the National Physical Laboratory." Process Control and Automation, November 1958
Return to Contents
The following documents explaining how to use DEUCE are available on the Internet:
[BA57A] "Standard Operating Instructions for DEUCE", Report NS y 78, Birchmore Miss A., 21 November 1957, here.
[BA57B] "DEUCE Control Panel Manual", Report NS y 79, Birchmore Miss A., 21 November 1957, here.
[EE56A] "English Electric DEUCE Programming Manual", Report NS-y-16, May 1956, here.
"English Electric DEUCE Logical Design Manual Part 1 - General Description", here.
"English Electric DEUCE Logical Design Manual Part 2 - Drawings", here.
[EE59] "A Programming Handbook for the Computer Deuce", Burnett-Hall D.G. and P.A.Samet, Tech.Note MS.38, April 1959, RAE Farnborough, here.
[DN36] "DEUCE News No 36. April 1959; Report NS y 141; "Multiplier and Divider Techniques", J. Boothroyd, here.
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[HAS55] Cecil Hastings, Jr. "Approximations for Digital Computers", Princeton University Press, Princeton, N.J., 1955.
[EAU78] ELECTRONICS Australia, November, 1978.
[JPPC] John Parks, private correspondence.
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The Science Museum Library & Archives, at Wroughton in Wiltshire (, contains the "NPL archive". This is a collection of documents "left [by Mike Woodger] in Room 113, Bldg 93, NPL, Teddington on his retirement on 31 March 1983". The very extensive collection includes a small group of documents relating to Pilot ACE, especially the source code and flow charts for several early subroutines (see Section 8.2).
The Turing Archive for the History of Computing ( is the "Largest web collection of digital facsimiles of original documents by Turing and other pioneers of computing. Plus articles about Turing and his work, including Artificial Intelligence."
It contains many documents relating to the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE) and in particular, several descriptions of the Pilot ACE.
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I hesitate to question a central example in a refereed paper by an emminent mathematician like Wilkinson. However, I cannot get his code to work correctly as it stands.
For example, P30/(P29+P30) = (1/4)/(3/8) = 2/3 causes a 29-29 error, despite having |a|<|b|
It seems that we should conform to |a|<|b/2|
But then P30/(P30+P31) = (1/4)/(3/4) = 1/3 is calculated as 2/3.
Wilkinson says "As is the case with many of the most fundamental subroutines, a very sophisticated use of the code is made." [WJ55 274] So I may well be missing something. Work in progress!
Wilkinson's original code is included in program PROGJW01.CRD. The subroutine, extended to plant a return link supplied in TS16, is in DL2 and a trivial main program is in DL1. To run it, proceed as in Section 8.2.2
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Organisations or individuals who wish to use the emulator for business purposes or in a fee paying environment should contact the Author to negotiate a royalty to share the benefits of the many hours invested in this project.
The emulator is used entirely at the risk of the user. The Author has tried hard to eliminate faults from the programs but does not claim that the emulator is free of faults. No claims are made regarding its correctness, reliability or fitness for any particular purpose. The Author shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages or loss of data resulting from the use of this program.
©2010-2022 David Richard Green. All rights reserved.
Folder [no title] CSAC 71.1.80/C.20 1950
Folder labelled 'Relays'.
Miscellaneous notes for circuits, etc. n.d., but probably early work on
draughts program 1950 (all written on verso of Harrow School exercises and
Reference: CSAC 71.1.80/C.24 Date: n.d
Description: 'ACE coding programme (Incomplete)'.
Folder containing 16 bundles of notes, calculations and diagrams on the
subject, some on verso of Harrow School exercises.
Held by: Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
Folder [no title] CSAC 71.1.80/C.25 n.d
'ACE Draughts. Current Programme'. Miscellaneous notes and calculations
Folder [no title] CSAC 71.1.80/C.26 1958
"Reconstitution by B. Munday in 1958 of Strachey's draughts-playing program
(written for Pilot ACE), to be run on DEUCE. 22 cards, and 21 pp. program
(photocopy of Strachey's ms.)."
Reference: CSAC 71.1.80/C.27 Date: n.d
Description: 'Draughts. "Paper"'.
Includes: 4 pp. typescript on 'Draughts. General Considerations',
perhaps introduction or contribution to a book on the subject.
Ms. and 2 typescript versions of a paper titled 'Programme for Manchester
University Computer', giving 'modifications to the programme described
above to make full use of the facilities of the Ferranti machine'.
Held by: Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
Reference: CSAC 71.1.80/C.28 Date: n.d
Description: 'Draughts'.
Folder containing 13 bundles of notes, calculations and diagrams, most
on paper headed Manchester University Computing Machine Laboratory, but
some on verso of Harrow School exercises. Some of the bundles bear
Strachey's ms. comments or explanations on attached notes.
Held by: Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
Reference: CSAC 71.1.80/C.30 Date: n.d
Description: (Originally kept with CSAC 71.1.80/C.29).
6 bundles of notes and photographs, with notes and explanations by
Strachey, as follows:
'Example of machine errors. The machine (literally) had a screw loose
when it did this'.
'Photographs of the monitor tube display during a game of draughts.
These are best viewed at arm's length'.
'Examples of draughts as played by the machine. Most of these were
experimental and show signs of errors, either in the programme or in
the machine'.
'The complete programme for draughts as printed out by the computer'
(dated 10 July 1952).
'Flow diagram and programme for the inner section of draughts. This
part allows the machine to decide its own move. (This is my own working
copy - hence its dog-eared state)'.
'Draughts. Instructions'.
Held by: Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections
Reference: CSAC 71.1.80/C.31 Date: n.d
Description: 'A Programme for Making a Calculating Machine Play Draughts'.
45 pp. ms. and typescript paper. Miscellaneous drawings and diagrams
for paper on draughts-playing machine (probably for Toronto paper).
Held by: Oxford University: Bodleian Library, Special Collections